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Maraist, Holly



    Hello, my name is Ms Maraist and I am the English/Language Arts teacher for Clark County High School. 

    English classes are designed to introduce students to new and other ways of thinking, interpreting information, and how to formulate their own thoughts and opinions in an articulate manner.  Studying English and Literature is studying the art of how to communicate our ideas to others in writing.  My intent is to help students value literature as a means of understanding themselves and the world around them.  They will be required to consider the complexities of their own ideas. Students will be asked to think analytically and creatively. 

     I believe that there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to interpreting literary texts.  Every student brings their own thoughts, opinions, and experiences with them as they interpret the materials that they read; this gives an infinite number of possible interpretations of a given text.  It is my job to help them communicate their thoughts and ideas in an articulate and thoughtful way.  Students will be asked to think critically and analyze their own as well as other’s thoughts and ideas. They will be required to support their claims in writing; defending their position with specific cited evidence in the text, their own experiences, or referencing other literary critics.

    Why is English important? Nobel Prize for Literature author Mario Vargas Llosa said, “…literature has been, will continue to be, as long as it exists, one of the common denominators of human experience through which human beings may recognize themselves and converse with each other, no matter how different [they are]”

   Each quarter, every student is required to read a book for homework which will have a connection that is appropriate for the learning going on in the classroom. Students will have the opportunity to read during their free time, but will need to read at home as well to complete the reading each quarter. Encourage your child to set aside some time each night to read in a quiet, undisturbed place in your home.

   English is a core subject. Successful completion of the course is imperative to qualify for graduation. Attendance is an important consideration because students will receive points for activities and discussions during class time. Missed in-class activities and discussions cannot be made up. Daily preparation is an opportunity earned. There is no way to determine a student’s attitude, citizenship, or the extent of his/her preparation, if they are not in class to participate. To do well, students should come prepared for class with their materials and ready to work. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get the assignment from me.

   Parents are students’ first teachers. I count it a privilege to collaborate with you in the education of your child. If you have any questions or special concerns, please contact me.